Yeah, because only that would make it true, right?

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Posted by Rubik543 on May 01, 2024 at 17:57:21

In Reply to: The Chip Tapes! posted by ClockBlocker on May 01, 2024 at 13:21:40

All these conspiracy theorists, including apparently myself, reports, recruiting analysts, boosters, donors, people closely affiliated with the program and even some coaches, who have for years been saying what was going on, but alas, the truth never really supported the prevailing theory that Chip was simply being hamstrung by the administration. The reason Chip didn't recruit was that Chip didn't like recruiting and felt that having to pander to the whims of teenagers in order to gain their affections was wholly beneath him and by extension, his staff. This became the single biggest factor in determining "fit" for his Books and Ball philosophy, which was really just a euphemism for "very low maintenance." This is also conversely why prior to the rise in NIL prominence he was so enamored with the transfer portal. Rather than several months to a years of engagement with a recruit, the entire process was over within the span of a few days to a few weeks. And when NIL took over and turned the Portal in a free agency bidding market, requiring the coaches to now grovel for the services of transfers as well, Chip had run out of options.

All of thee things and more are so thoroughly documented by credible media sources that your take, even in jest (with clear undertones implies) is completely asinine. There are lots of people with close first hand knowledge of what transpired under Chip who for personal and professional reasons are not at liberty to speak publicly on these matters, but privately, the picture painted of what went on is even worse than what has been published.

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